CRAMSA disseminates optimization of the “Aguas Marítimas” project to communities in the Antofagasta Region

The improvements are part of ADDENDUM 1 that was submitted to the Environmental Impact Assessment System, SEIA, to address the requirements raised by the community and authorities.
As a reflection of its commitment to transparency, CRAMSA disseminated the optimizations made to the desalination project “Aguas Marítimas,” which the company is promoting to produce and distribute more water in the Antofagasta Region.
The improvements, contained in ADDENDUM 1 submitted to the Environmental Impact Assessment System, SEIA, respond to both the observations and queries raised by the community during the Citizen Participation process (PAC), as well as by authorities and the Environmental Evaluation Service itself, SEA, in its first Consolidated Report of Clarifications, Rectifications, or Amplifications (ICARA).
“We are very pleased with this process, which is part of our spirit of always informing about the improvements to our project, many of which are the result of observations raised by the communities themselves, demonstrating that their opinions are very important to the company,” explained Hugo Lecaros, Corporate Affairs Manager at CRAMSA.
On-site dissemination
Initially, the company’s executives, technical team, and support experts met with fishermen from the Guild Association of Divers, Shellfish Gatherers, and Related Branches of the Coloso cove, AGREBUMAR, who appreciated the opportunity.
“We have seen the same good disposition since the beginning of our relationship with CRAMSA. They were attentive to address our concerns and thus maintain a working relationship based on transparency and trust,” said Sergio Avalos, a member of AGREBUMAR.
The instance was also repeated with indigenous communities in Calama, who welcomed the CRAMSA team to hear, in detail, the adjustments and improvements.
“The changes are good, and having an opportunity to share them with the communities and associations gives us greater certainty that we are on the right track. I say ‘we’ because we are participants in the great project that CRAMSA is promoting,” explained Daniel Lorca, president of the Indigenous Association of Irrigators and Farmers of Chunchuri Poniente.
The “Aguas Marítimas” project will have a significant impact on local employment, quality of life, and the sustainability of the entire region.